Litha Ritual (solitary) 2015


I’m a child of the night. Even as a tiny tot I liked staying up late and hated being woken up early. Hated it. HATED IT. My mom used to stand in the doorway of my room and throw rolled up socks at my head to wake me up for school because if she got too close I punched and kicked and then rolled up tighter in my blanket.

But I also love summer. Not as much as fall or spring, but I love it. I love the smell of sunscreen and coconut and the salty ocean air. I love the sun as long as I’m wearing 100000+ proof sunscreen (because I’m Irish. I just sunburn, peel, and I’m still white. Ooops.). It’s a time to spend with friends and family, to laze about on the porch or couch, or go off adventuring. It’s a time to just enjoy life.

since I’m celebrating this Solstice alone this year, I thought well, if I have to do it alone, I may as well share it with my pagan community! Because the internet means you’re never really alone! Right? So for all you wonderful pagans and open minded people, here’s my ritual that I did today/tonight! Enjoy guys!


Some practices say to take a ritual bath–and I decided to add a twist on it! It’s a bit hot out to be taking a hot bath, and I’m pretty sure the local pool wouldn’t be too happy if I went around sprinkling it with oil and herbs, so instead I drew a cold bath, added a few drops of lavender oil, and some quartz stones. After cooling off and soaking in that wonderful energy, off I went to work!

my alter, mid-working!

In Wicca (and other practices) people create circles and call the four corners. A friend of mine once said, “I don’t cast circles most of the time, I feel like I’m locking out energy.” And you know what? It made sense to me! I now only draw circles and call quarters for very intense workings–otherwise I assume having a big bad God and Goddess  summoned is enough to repel most things! So no circle was cast. I called upon Lugh of the Long Hand (Celtic pantheon, though I’ll get into that pet peeve in a later entry), since he’s considered a sun god, and it was his day to shine (literally!).

After cleansing my space and calling on Lugh, I then made an incense with the herbs that corisponed with this day! Here is the recipe, feel free to use it! I used it by literal pinches, as I ground it up in my mortar and pestal, but if you wanted to make it in bulk, just replace pinches for tablespoons or cups! 🙂 Also, if I had it on hand, I’d have added 2 drops myrrh!

Litha Incense 

part pine needles 

part rose petals

part lavender 

*2 drops myrrh (optional)

directions: Grind together with mortar and pestel. Imagining the suns’ energy infusing it with each crush. Or infuse it with love! 


After that, I blessed it over the yellow candle I had lit (it had three wicks, which I thought fitting!) and then got ready for my next fun activity of the day: A Litha Tarot reading! And what a day for it! There was a light breeze, but it was still hot and humid. Ah summer. How I both love and dislike thee.

The tarot reading is great for seeing where you are at the height of summer! Now, traditionally I know that this is seen as the last day of summer. But I always feel like this is the start of summer, and my life always seems to really get put into action around this time. Something major always shifts, so I suppose that’s why I always see the whole season of June-August as a free for all, and Litha as the start!

This is any easy spread to do, especially if you’re just learning! First, light the incense you just made by putting it in on charcoal!


Then, do your tarot reading!

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 After that, I had to wait a bit for evening to come for doing one of my favorite things: Making candles! The sun may have set, but that doesn’t mean the magic has to stop! Yesterday I had posted I went to the beach with friends. After asking permission and giving some energy in return, I took sand with which to make sand candles! When melting and stirring the wax I imagined the sun’s strength in it, for when the nights grow cold and the wind nips bitterly, I’ll light the candle and once again the sun’s warmth will be in my room!

I’ll post the tutorial for Litha Sand Candles tomorrow, as this post is getting way too long!

I hope you all had a wonderful Litha/Summer Solstice!